Jul 24, 2019Experimental Investigation on the Application of Biological Enzymes for EOR in Shale FormationsBiological enzymes has the potential to improve this recovery factor up to 25%. Moreover, the effect of enzymes is everlasting
Mar 22, 2019Enzyme Enhanced Oil Recovery EEOR: A Microfluidics ApproachEnzyme Enhanced Oil Recovery (EEOR) has recently been categorized as one of the most effective EOR mechanisms. Laboratory and field...
Nov 24, 2018ENZYME ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY (EEOR), THE TECHNOLOGY PRINCIPLEThe innovative technology is based on a water soluble inert liquid enzyme concentrate with unique properties to interact in a catalytic...
Nov 10, 2018Ecuador Presentación Técnica Latam GreenZyme Noviembre 2018The objective of this report is to identify the Enzyme EOR potential of the Ecuadorian Amazon Region also known as Oriente Basin.
Oct 14, 2018Investigation of Controlled Salinity and GreenZyme in Enhanced Oil Recovery EEORIntroduction Recent studies have shown that water properties can be modified based on salt composition and concentration, resulting in...
Aug 24, 2018Application of Environment-Friendly Bio-Surfactants (EFBS) in EORAbstract: In this study, we investigate potential application of environment- friendly bio-surfactants (EFBS) in EOR processes. We assess...
Feb 26, 2018Using GreenZyme® as a Remediation Agent for Jet Fuel in Airport Porous Surfaces.Using GreenZyme as a remediation agent, Valentino monitored and enhanced the movement of JP-5 jet fuel in an experimental glass column...